Mariano Dimonte
Radiology Department, City Hospital, Scorrano, Lecce, ItalyPublications
Review Article
Social and Health Sustainability of 5G Technology the Side Unpredictable Effects of the Unchallenged Digitisation of Society
Author(s): Mariano Dimonte*
The newest 4.0 industrial models supported by the fifth generation of mobile communication technology (5G) imply rapid change in the social structure and in everyday life. In particular 5G is aimed to promote the economical growth, largely driven by the technological advancements in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Healthcare sectors. Thoug industry exalts only the advantages of this acceleration of the digital progress, the collateral unexpected long-term social, environmental and health side-effects of 5G could be relevant. 5G is a paradygmatic case of the “physiological” delay of the science in the assessment of the potential adverse implications of the innovations in the most varied spheres. The sociologist Zygmunt Bauman (Liquid modernity; 1999) attributed to new media (internet, social networks, e-commerce) a crucial role in the loosening of social.. Read More»